Owner and visionary of The Finishing Room, James brings 20+ years of technical know how. In the early days, he was involved in the Kodak Cineon project development site in Melbourne Australia. From here he gained a deep understanding of were Film and digital come together. This lead to partnering in “Planet X Studios”. A ground breaking Post Facility in Melbourne that quickly came to prominence in the early 90s by using software to make a Diskus (The only way to SDI video of the time) act as an extension of tools like Photoshop and AfterFX. This lead to the development of a Film Printer and “Designer Ad/Motion Ad” system for MEG (A pre show advertising company) doing over 50 ads per week.
From here he became involved in a Swish Group, a Media company which developed Video on Demand systems for Hotels. This lead to the eCinema revolution, were computer based digital playback systems became very popular. This lead to the development of the dCine tools at digitAll Pty Ltd. These sold well in Australia, The US and India utilising a proprietary KDM/encryption system that came before the used by DCI/Cinema today.
Obviously with the transition to digital looming, this led to DCN Australia and the VPF project for the independants of Australia. James was technical director helping develop the contracts that were eventually signed to supply the VPF for the Australian and New Zealand independant cinema markets.
With his deep understanding on Digital Cinema technology and backgroud in Post Production, the Finishing Room was a natural progression.
Well known around the world as The “CineTechGeek” (See youtube channel and website at http://www.cinetechgeek.com) there is no more knowledgeable in Australia of digital cinema technology then James.